
Illidan Characters

This page provides a brief introduction to some of my characters.



Level 120 Tauren Guardian Druid
iLvl 400
His primary professions are Herbalism and Alchemy. Agriopas is named after a ancient Greek writer of werewolf mythology. He is the guildmaster of Hate Breeders, a casual heroic raiding guild.
Armory     askmrrobot


Level 120 Blood Elf Vengeance Demon Hunter
iLvl 379
His primary professions are Skinning and Leatherworking.
Armory     askmrrobot


Level 116 Troll Frost Mage
iLvl 251
His primary professions are Enchanting and Tailoring. Guntharius is named after a legendary king of Burgandy.
Armory     askmrrobot

Rested Blade

Resting Blade


Level 100 Goblin Blood Death Knight
iLvl 141
His primary professions are Mining and Blacksmithing. Sanguinator is guildmaster of Rested Blade.
Armory     askmrrobot